Tagged “starting-points”

Speaking Success: More Objectives

by Derek Featherstone

We usually start planning a talk by jumping in with clear objectives for what you want people to know and do after your talk. To take your speaking to the "next level", we need to ask two more questions that serve to transform your speaking into something that compels people to take action.

Speaking Success: Start with Objectives

by Derek Featherstone

When you're planning and creating a talk, there's a critical step that many people skip or miss because it is so simple, it seems almost like it isn't worthwhile. But these starting points are what lead to success and leave your audience wanting more because you deliver **value**, and there are clear takeaways from your talk.

3 Simple Approaches to Finding Speaking Opportunities

by Derek Featherstone

I know you want to get paid speaking gigs. You need to find speaking gigs first—paid or not. Once you've found conferences, workshops, and events, you can start to zero in on the ones you want to speak at and the ones that will pay you. Here's a big step in the process: finding a decent number of gigs in the first place. How? Read and learn...

Let's get it started

by Derek Featherstone

Sometimes you need to start fresh in order to experience something new. This is that fresh start. I love what I do, but always want more.

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